Midnight Sun Cakery Signature Designs

Choose one of our Signature Custom Designs at Special Price!

3 layer, 7” round / serves 16 - $170

4-layer, 7” round / serves 21 for $210

* extra charges may apply depending on cake flavor, see "flavors" page for details

Golden Happy Birthday


Abstract colors of your choice

Fresh seasonal flowers

Golden "Happy Birthday" Topper or Fondant Message Plaque


Golden Happy Birthday

Golden Happy Birthday

Small Celebration

Small Celebration


Birch Tree Design


“Carved Message”

Realistic Birch Tree Design

Small Celebration


Abstract colors of your choice

Fresh Seasonal Flowers

Edible Image in Your Theme

Buttercream Message or Fondant Message Placque

Birch Tree Design

Birch Tree Design

Super Birthday Celebration!

Choose your icon and we will match the icing, drips, chocolate chunks to the theme!

(Macarons not included)


Unicorn Cake

Geode Cake

Sections of a “Geode” Effect of the Top and Side of the cake made from Rock Candy

Can be made in your favorite color.


Super Birthday Celebration


Unicorn Cake


A buttercream mane of your choice of colors

Sugar horn and ears 

Buttercream message on the board


Geode Cake

Geode Cake

Gallery of MNSC Signature Cakes